Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Prayers Needed!!

First, Johannah is really not doing well. She has not bounced back very well from the seizure she had in Minnesota. This morning, she had another grand mal seizure and then continued to have seizure activity (that's the best way I know how to explain it - it's not a grand mal seizure, but she certainly is not "with us") until noon. It is now 8:00 p.m. and she is starting again. The doctor is going to consider increasing her Frisium. But, it appears that this medication - as the many others have - is losing its effect. I don't feel there is much hope with other medications. I am holding out for some success on the diet. PLEASE pray for her safety, that there will not be permanent damage from the seizures, and that the doctors can gain some sort of control.

Then, James has another MRI on Saturday. We are hopeful. Of course, he is doing well and has tolerated the increased dose of medicine wonderfully. He struggles with occasional high sodium (opposite of what he's dealt with in the past) and low potassium (from the increased fluids), but otherwise is doing wonderfully.

Finally, both Johannah and James are really struggling in school. In fact, it doesn't appear at this point that either one will pass this year. James has been working very hard, but he cannot pass unless he passes reading - which he is not. Many have reminded me that this is not the most important thing right now, and that is true. But, I do still feel bad for them. I know that it will be hard for them when the reality hits that they will not go on with their class. But, in the end, I'm sure they will do fine.

Thank you so much for your prayers.

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