Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Answered prayer

Thank you all that have prayed for the details of our trip. I received a call today from Bonnie LeVar at Corporate Angel Network. She let us know that there is a businessman from Illinois that is willing to take the day off next Wednesday to fly us to NY, wait for us to have our appointment, and then fly us home the same day. WHAT AN ANSWER TO PRAYERS!! This solves several problems that we were having. We are sure to make it home in time of Jon's graduation as well as not needing a place to stay overnight. We will also be able to fly out of a local airport like Michigan City or Valparaiso instead of having to travel to Michigan, Chicago, or South Bend.

So, our appointment is next Wednesday, May 14th, at 11:30. We should come home with a surgery date. Please, please pray for wisdom in this surgery. It is a VERY risky surgery. Our hope and prayer is that James will make it through the surgery SAFELY (meaning we get back the same James that we send into surgery), that Dr. Wisoff will be able to get out more than he anticipates, and that the tumor will remain stable for longer than is expected.

We talked today with Dr. Goldman about options after surgery should the tumor come right back. To be honest, I don't like any of them. In case you didn't know, brain tumors don't have good options. Dr. Goldman really wants us to do radiation - but radiation will definitely come with a "price." We will certainly need wisdom and guidance from the Lord should we get to the point of making this decision.

Thanks for all your prayers. They mean A LOT.

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