Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Day 2 - 70%

James is awake a bit more today, but quite confused....some of it kind of funny. When the nurse came today to take out his Foley catheter, he asked her what he owed her. She said nothing, but he insisted that surely he owed her something. She said, "No, today Foley removal is free." When I left for a few minutes, I came back and James handed me his IV tubing - which he had unscrewed from his catheter. I asked him why he did that and he said, "You told me to....right before you left, I asked if I could take it off and you said to just be careful." Of course, that conversation never happened. If you know James, you know that he is very used to IV tubing and usually knows not to take it off. Just an example of his confusion.

Otherwise, he is following commands and eating well. In fact, I think he ate more for supper than he usually does...probably from the steroids. They did another MRI today which showed that 70% of the tumor was removed. Dr. Wisoff is very happy with how the surgery went and how James is doing now.

Thank you for all your prayers...they really mean a lot. I huge thanks to the wonderful ladies that I work with at St. James for all their help and support and donations - and Barb for keeping Cocoa (who Josh is missing very much). Pray for his continued recovery and for the next steps for him in treatment.


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! James is awake and recovering! That is good news for us all.

Praying for you all.

Much love,
Tammy and family

Barb said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are going well. I'm sure that every day James will be more himself. Please tell all the kids that Cocoa is doing well. She is a really sweet dog. She is nervous though and I'm sure is looking forward to being back with all the kids and in her own house.

LuAnne said...

70%?!?!? Amen and praise the Lord! We are continuing to pray...and can't wait til you all get home!

Miriam said...

So glad James recovery goes well! That is good news. He looks great! Wow! We pray for your family and continue pray for James recovery.. God Bless you all of you...