Thursday, June 19, 2008

Much better today

Now that the pressure is relieved in James' head, he is doing MUCH better today. He is really back to where we were when discharged from NYU. He still has memory issues and slowed answers, but yesterday we were doing good to get him to talk at all. I am so thankful that Loice was with me through it all. I think it was her help and navigating that made the whole thing go so smoothly.

I checked out of our hotel this morning in anticipation of a longer hospital stay. If they should discharge us soon, we will check back in. Mrs. Ferguson, James' teacher in the 1st grade who moved out here last year, came and gave me a ride back to the hospital with her daughter Makenzie. THANK YOU, TRACI!!!

When I got back to the hospital, James had eaten and his sodium is now reported at 125 - so we are heading in the right direction. Tentatively, if things continue this way, they anticipate possibly getting out tomorrow. That would be nice so that we could still have a bit of a visit in Philadelphia. James doesn't want to leave without seeing the Liberty Bell.

1 comment:

LuAnne said...

Amen! So glad things are going better. And I'm glad there are friends there for you, too. Tell James we are praying for him and miss him.