Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 3 - Pink purse

James is doing very well. So far, he has no endocrine issues that need corrected. All his vital signs are fine and all his labs are perfect. He is just very confused and has terrible memory (maybe he inherited that, though). Today, the neurosurgical resident came to check on him. He asked him to remember three things - cat, apple, and pencil. About five minutes later when he asked James to repeat them, James named three totally different and unrelated things. But, the most interesting one was the last one - pink purse.

Any that knows James knows that James would have nothing to do with pink or a purse. He is also not remembering what all the lines and wires are for - not even the IV tubing. So, he is constantly trying to take everything off. This makes him high maintenance right now - like trying to care for an octopus. Some of the problem could be coming from the steroids that he is on, but most of it is because of the swelling in the brain. I am told that it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for it all to clear. So, that would be our biggest prayer request - that the swelling will clear and James will have no permanent damage.

They have moved him to a regular room. Our number is 212-263-1950, but I can also use the cell phone in this room. Dr. Allen said he did not see any reason that we shouldn't be discharge by Monday, he really doesn't have any major issues right now, just memory. But, he is not the one to discharge, Dr. Wisoff will.

Thank you again for all that have prayed and supported us.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hello. I happened to run across your blog today. I feel so blessed that I did! I want you to know that two more people in this world are thinking of James and your family and praying for a quick recovery for him. What a wonderful and caring family you have! We were very happy to hear that the surgery went so well. We will continue following your blog and praying for more miracles. Hugs, Rebecca and Zachary (Charlotte, NC)